Monday, January 21, 2008

Fact Or Fiction

There is so much propaganda out there about the candidates that are running for the 2008 Presidential Election, how do we decipher fact from fiction? For example, it is rumored that Obama's family has ties with the Jihad and that Obama will not pledge allegiance to our flag (country). There are pictures of Obama while durring a pledge of allegiance that you see of him not placing his hand over his heart.

Most candidates running for president have been screened by the government. So wouldn't it be true to say that our government would have exposed Obama's ties to the Jihad, if this is really a fact? And if this is a fact and our government has not delved into the lives of our presidential candidates, doesn't it make you wonder why our government is not doing their job at a time when Homeland Security is such an importance?

There are other accusations and rumors flying throughout the presidential candidate campaign trail. It is ultimately our job to elect the candidate we feel is the most suitable for the job. And in doing so, it is up to us to do a little detective work of our own.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Some days are worse than others. Seems like anything that can go wrong does. But how do we get ourselves over that? How do we change our negativity and irritation into positivity? It helps me to know that just as anything wrong can happen, so can anything good. Each day opens with a new hope of something we have been waiting to happen. Each day can be the best day of our lives.

What I wonder is why people who are negative remain negative? What has caused all the negativity in their lives? Being negative leaves me in a pit of despair. Makes me feel hopeless and mean. Because I am a positive person, I would rather be happy. So many people just want happiness in their lives, and wonder what will make them happy. To me this is the first step. And to also know that even though we are not going to have rainbows and sunshine all of the time, even the bad situations can be turned around with positive thinking as to how we can turn it around into something good.

For those that have the worst situations, there is always something that can be learned, or the thought that it happened for a reason, and will work out for the better. Even if we lost a loved one, although we will feel the unmeasurable amount of pain and loss, lonliness and heartache, to know that the person we lost is in a better place helps, and to know that even though they might have left us physically, they will always be in our hearts and minds.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Overcoming Fear

Have you ever been paralyzed by fear? Have you ever let fear keep you from trying something new or taking a chance on something that may get you ahead? I have noticed that because I want to play it safe, I have missed out on opportunities that would have turned out for the better. Why fear the unknown? If you take the chance, what is the worst thing that could happen to you? Would it end up hurting someone else? Stop and think about what makes you afraid to take that step? Are you a person that doesn't like change? A creature of habit?

In order to get the most out of life, you have to be progressive and take that risk that fear may prevent you from taking. Just take a step out, say a little prayer, hold your breath and plunge into the pool of life!! Once you do, you may find yourself living the life you dreamed of!

Monday, January 7, 2008

Moving Forward

It is such a good feeling to see things come together step by step toward a new goal for the New Year. No matter how small or how large it may be, it gives you hope and faith that better times and days are ahead. That this New Year will be better than the last. Especially if you have been struggling for so long. But there is something out there looking out for us, opportunities are given to us, prayers are answered, and headway is met little by little. I am so thankful to my higher power for this. Faith definitely can erase all the negativeness or give you strength for the next bad situation to turn it into something positive! Here's to a good journey ahead!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008


Sometimes getting motivated to make the changes you need to make or have set for yourself for the New Year is harder than anticipated. Where do you find your inner strength to make the changes? How do you keep the desire for the change to push you to make that change? For me, I think about what I really NEED to accomplish this New Year. Then I think about my friends and family. Where do I want them to be? Do I have what it takes to help them accomplish their goals? And if so, then I have a focal point. Changing has to come from a burning desire and a NEED to change. Just having a mere want may not get you to the steps to make those changes. So my wish to all of you who are reading this is the desire to get you to that better place! And for those who are already there, Congratulations!