Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Holiday Season

Christmas has come and gone, and with that brings a small bit of sadness. Every one rushes around, buying presents, getting things ready for the big day. Now that it is over, do we really realize why we celebrated the Christmas Holiday? What is the real reason you celebrate Christmas? Is it to be with friends and family? Or is there something higher out there that you honor and worship? Today, more and more people are not wanting religion to be the base of the American society. However, even the Constitution of the United States refer to religion. If we abide by all the people that come in to our country or the people that want us to take our religious beliefs out of our bases for what we built the United States on, what do you think the United States would be like? Would we still be able to worship in our own way to our own Gods based on our religious belief in public? What do you think the United States would gain by removing all religious references?

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